Analysis with Maps and Geospatial Thinking
This workshop is part of the 2017 Summer Spatial Institute
Come learn how to move past simply using maps for display to get your students using maps for analysis and thinking.
Date and location:
June 29-30, 2017, 8:30am to 4:30pm
Hopkinton Middle High School, Contoocook, NH
Analysis of data is actually the real power of GIS. This workshop will use existing layers of New Hampshire data and examine a variety of topics, from Social Studies to Science. ArcGIS Online Analysis tools will focus on data sets from previous elections, and data sets of habitat. Available Editable Feature Services will allow teachers to add their own student-created data to the mix. Previous experience with ArcGIS Online is a prerequisite for this workshop. Contact us for online options that will get you prepared.
Lara Bryant, NH Geographic Alliance Coordinator and Assistant Professor of Geography, Keene State College, Keene, NH
Ina Ahern, Science Teacher, Plymouth Regional High School, Plymouth, NH
Rebecca Lilja, GIS Specialist, USDA Forest Service, Durham, NH
Robert Woolner, Geography! Teacher, Hopkinton Middle HIgh School, Contoocook, NH
In this workshop, we will cover:
- Basics of geospatial thinking
- Ask your GIS data a question: how are places related, comparing places, detecting patterns, make a prediction
- Analysis tools in ArcGIS Online
- Displaying your analysis results in a Story Map or App
You will have the opportunity to earn:
- $200 stipend from the GeoPRiSM MSP project
- Graduate credits from Keene State College
Links for this workshop:
Visiting Vector
The John Snow Cholera Map Lesson... save a copy in your own folder.
Primary Voting in New Hampshire map
Round Square Mile "input data" map.
Register for the course:
June 29-30 in Hopkinton, NH | Register
Note: this is a teacher-only workshop
Due to limitations of the grant funding supporting this workshop, ONLY TEACHERS are allowed to attend.